
Computer networks share common devices, functions, and features including servers, clients, transmission media, shared data, shared printers and other hardware and software resources. Who is accessing systems, networks, applications, data and perimeters. What they need, own and do with the technology and access bestowed on them. This include Cloud computing delivery of different services and resources through the Internet.

OSINT Research

Lasamak utilizes latest research methods and processes in the collection and analysis of relevant artifacts in providing verifications, security due diligences, reputational analysis and investigative reports to small to mid size businesses from different sectors. Inforrmation collected from relevant platforms can aid businesses by providing them the relevant guide to tactical-operational decision, or the creation of long-term strategies to meet a wide variety of security goals.


We provide a training center, a physical or online location where people undertake skills training for work. This include but not limited to virtual classroom software that provide instructor-led or blended training sessions. Certification platform for managing online exam and certification programs and the required assessments, including psychometric, technical, and cognitive tests. eLearning course authoring tool without technical headaches.